Ask Questions that people love to answer!

Pinegrow works on Mac, Windows and Linux

SurveyGamez lets you create questions that everybody loves to answer. Create quizes, surveys, polls, forms. Target them for mobile, tablet, desktop. SurveyGamez covers them all.


You may want to ask questions for various reasons - you may be conducting a market research, you may be conducting quiz in a class, or poll about an election result or trying to know more about your customer so you can serve them better. SurveyGamez allows you to do it all !!

Questions for every scenario !!

Whether it's a quiz, an assessment, a poll or a survey - we have you covered. SurveyGamez  provides numerous possibilites for you to ask questions in an engaging and fun-filled manner. The respondents remain engaged with you. Look at some examples below to understand the possibilities.



Pinegrow works with other frameworks


Pinegrow works with other frameworks


Pinegrow works with other frameworks


Pinegrow works on Mac, Windows and Linux

Any kind of Device !!

Whether you answer on a mobile or a tablet or a desktop.  Whether it's a quiz, an assessment or a poll - we have you covered. SurveyGamez  provides lot of possibilites for you to ask questions in an engaging and fun-filled manner. The respondents remain engaged the gamified interactions that SurveyGamez provides. Whether it's a quiz, an assessment or a poll - we have you covered. SurveyGamez  provides lot of possibilites for you to ask questions in an engaging and fun-filled manner. The respondents remain engaged the gamified interactions that SurveyGamez provides.


Any audience !!

whether young or old.. everybody loves to answer. Whether it's a quiz, an assessment or a poll - we have you covered. SurveyGamez  provides lot of possibilites for you to ask questions in an engaging and fun-filled manner. We have a few accessibility options that help you tailor make the survey to the audience. 

Pinegrow works with other frameworks

Built for designers !!

SurveyGamez lets you express yourself when you ask questions. You can set fonts, colours, upload the right images, videos, audio overlays. You can ask questions using gamified interactions.

Pinegrow works with other frameworks

Built for developers !!

SurveyGamez API provides limitless possibilites. Our ReST API provides capabilities for creating forms on the fly, creating assessments from question banks by randomly choosing questions based on tags, styling them, publishing them and gaining access to user responses.

Pinegrow works with other frameworks


Create visually stunning surveys

Use our admin tools to create engaging and visually stunning surveys and quizzes.

See a sample »

Help your customer make a choice

SurveyGamez can help you provide a streamlined discovery flow to help your customers choose. Show them the most important things they care about and narrow down their choices.

See a sample »

Create personalized surveys

Why make something generic? Personalize your questions based on the audience or even person. Use our APIs to programatically generate the questionnaire.

See a sample »

Streamline your workflows

Use SurveyGamez to replace all your forms in your organization and engage better with your team. 

See a sample »

Create self learning material

Create self learning material interlaced with multimedia content that can be consumed on any device. Mix the material with a few questions in between and help the student understand if he learnt the concept well.

See a sample »

Educate a million children

Like some of our partners plan to do with SurveyGamez. They have used SurveyGamez to design assessments that will be used in rural India to check how much the child is able to learn.

See a sample(हिंदी) »

See a sample(English) »

Create Quizzes

Create Quizzes and set timer for the quiz. Source the questions from multiple question banks that you have setup.. Mix and match and randomize the questions.

See a sample »

Ask the right questions 

With our powerful logic jumps, you ask only the right questions. Make the answering process interactive by asking questions that are relevant to previous answers.

See a sample »

Notice Get SURVEYGAMEZ from $99 per user monthly$49

with 30 days money back guarantee

* This offer ends today at midnight GMT.

SurveyGamez is a cloud hosted web application. A subscription allows you to use it on as many projects as you want.

Perfect for Tasting the feast Eating a stomach full :) Packing some for home as well ;-)
Features All from Basic, plus: All from Pro, plus:
Survey Capabilties
Unlimited Questions Only 10 questions per survey Yes Yes
Unlimited Responses Only 100 responses per survey Yes Yes
Get responses via web, social or email Yes Yes Yes
Pop up online surveys Yes Yes Yes
Track email responses No Yes Yes
SSL/TLS encryption Yes Yes Yes
Offline Support No Yes Yes

Survey Builder
20 essential question types Yes Yes Yes
All languages support Yes Yes Yes
Advanced Logic Support No Yes Yes
Data piping - Custom variables Yes Yes Yes
Interactive Questions like Grouping, Matching, Ranking Yes Yes Yes
File Upload Yes Yes Yes
Audio, Photo, Video capture directly on Android phones Yes Yes Yes
Location Capture in supported phones and browsers Yes Yes Yes
Tags support for questions No Yes Yes
Adding questions from other surveys through search and pick No Yes Yes
Filtering questions with tags No Yes Yes
Duplicate a survey Yes Yes Yes
Question Groups support Yes Yes Yes
Quick and intuitive multimedia upload  Yes Yes Yes
Password question for ensuring only right people can answer. Yes Yes Yes
Assessment Mode
Set and review expected answers one-by-one or all at one go. No Yes Yes
Score for questions No Yes Yes
Timer No Yes Yes
Score feedback to user and in reports No Yes Yes
Create Question banks No Yes Yes
Create assessments using reference only mode (question will be taken from question bank) No Yes Yes
Customization & Branding
Colors of text, background, buttons Yes Yes Yes
Background image Yes Yes Yes
Images in Welcome and Thank you screen Yes Yes Yes
Direct user to url of choice on completion of survey No Yes Yes
Branded subdomain  No Yes Yes
Font choice Yes Yes Yes
Remove "Powered by SurveyGamez"  No Yes Yes
Response Management
Mandatory response Yes Yes Yes
Answer validation Yes Yes Yes
Legal and other terms acceptance through a dedicated question Yes Yes Yes
Send and track emails to people for answering to a survey
Yes Yes Yes
Randomize answer choices Yes Yes Yes
Randomize questions within a question group Yes Yes Yes
Record respondent email Yes Yes Yes
Query parameter support for using the survey responses into third party application Yes Yes Yes
Review mode for surveys to navigate through unanswered mandatory questions Yes Yes Yes
1-round optional review for assessments to navigate through unanswered questions Yes Yes Yes
Lock an answer after user confirmation Yes Yes Yes
Show one question at a time - next question is visible only after answering current question Yes Yes Yes
Password protect surveys Yes Yes Yes
Assessments can be protected from previewing by others Yes Yes Yes
Disable right click Yes Yes Yes
Prevent questionbanks from being published Yes Yes Yes
Accessibility Options
Voice overlay for questions Yes Yes Yes
Disable touch scrolling on touch devices Yes Yes Yes
Disable auto scrolling - Explicit conformation before moving to next questions Yes Yes Yes
Create surveys No No Yes
Add questions programatically to a survey No No Yes
Style, publish, unpublish survey No No Yes
Create an assessment by randomly selecting questions from question banks No No Yes
Get the response of a respondent No No Yes
Get all responses to a survey No No Yes
Score feedback to user and in reports No No Yes
Yearly License (Always up-to-date)(prefer subscription?)
Annual License $79FREE $179 $999 Buy $259   Contact us

p.s. If you can't afford to buy Pinegrow at the moment, get in touch and we'll help you out.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is SurveyGamez different from other survey/quiz solutions

SurveyGamez provides a powerful question builder that is extensive in the question types it covers and provides you a lot of opportunities to be creative.

SurveyGamez is built to be developer friendly. It can be easily integrated into 3rd party apps using the rich API provided.

What are the license terms?

Pro license is given to an individual who is using the app and is valid for a period of 1 year.

Enterprise license is given to organizations and entitles usage by 5 people in the organization.

Neither licenses restricts the number of respondents.

About Us

SurveyGamez is made by Sevya Multimedia Technologies

Our Other Products

Automate your hiring process. Gamez2Hire is a cloud based screening & recruitment platform. It improves the engagement level and attention span of the test takers and is being used by leading corporations, for efficiently identifying the right talent.

Trainings can also be interesting apart from being insightful. For creating immersive experience to your learners and make them feel part of the entire process, try using Gamez2Learn. Explore the features like Leaderboards and Locked stages/levels to bring the thrill back into learning!


Have you ever wondered, if your market research audience are truly involved in the process? Is the experience of answering Questionnaires a nice experience for them? Try Gamez2Know for conducting not only single respondent but also multiple respondent studies, leveraging gamified surveys.

Contact Us

Ran into problems? Have a suggestion? Want to say hi? We would love to hear from you!

E-mail: sales [at]